Friday, January 13, 2006

Product Plan Updated

The product plan for ss7box, ss7boost, and CNAM services has been updated on the wiki. Work on ss7boost/ISUP is centered on circuit maintenance (reseting, blocking, and unblocking). The circuit maintenance state machines take effort than those for basic call processing.

The Signal Media Gateway (SMG) product description is updated. A feature that allows multiple Asterisk platforms to be served by a simplex or duplex ss7box is described in more detail. Configurations needing more T1/E1 than can be hosting in a single Asterisk platform will be possible using this feature.

In CNAM development there has been a new configuration function developed to map global title translation types to a static function id. This involved creating a new configuration section in the ss7boost.conf file. This was necessary because there seems to be no consistent industry definition for GTT types. Testing with external databases will begin next week.

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