Thursday, April 10, 2008

New MTP and ISUP Features

SMG/ss7box has been accepted into a major telecom network in North America.

The ss7boost Circuit Maintenance Manager (CMM) is functional in the field now. It is managing the blocking and resetting of circuits with respect to ss7boost restart, and the presence and absence of the media gateway interface (sangoma_mgd). In the coming weeks CMM will be managing circuits with respect to the presence/absence of SS7 routes, the signaling gateway (ss7box), and trunks (E1/T1 facilities).

ss7box now supports Management Inhibit reception sufficient to pass the limited conformance tests being administered in ITU-land. Management Inhibiting is used in conformance testing and rarely in operations. The procedure is complicated in some configurations. More time is being devoted to developing features for conformance tests lately.

ss7box will be supporting the reception of MTP Restart procedure in the upcoming week.

ss7boost now supports GRS reception fully. The circuits being reset are actually reset. ss7boost also now supports the CQM/CQR procedure and the ANSI CCR process.