Sunday, September 23, 2012

Xygnada Technology Dissolving

Time to close the doors on Xygnada Technology, Inc and ss7box.  Interest in SS7 has declined significantly, or price/performance of alternatives has surpassed that of ss7box.  It's nearly impossible to support ss7box now that the driver is so out of step with recent Linux releases. Being a loyal to a single source of network interface hardware was a serious mistake.  At this point in history there is little incentive to adapt ss7box to another network interface card.

Open sourcing ss7box software is fraught with uncertainty about how partners in the past would react.  None of these partners respond to requests to discuss releasing the software. Well played partners, well played. Doing a clean-room rewrite was considered, but the effort seemed far out of balance with reward.

Thank you and auf wiedersehen.