Thursday, July 13, 2006

SMG High Capacity Testing

The Sangoma Signal Media Gateway continues to take a beating in the lab with five E1 continuously running at full capacity with short duration phone calls. Quite a few problems have been shaken out and the limits of the particular machines being used are showing. System engineering rules have also been developed as a result of this testing program. The test grow to support eight E1 and a third SMG in the near future.

The ss7box wiki is newly revamped with improved product plan sections. Have a look to see what's in store for SMG.

ss7mon will be called upon to examine working SS7 links as part of recent changes to our method of operation for replacing existing systems. Experience teaches that reported configuration information and actual configuration can differ. By using ss7mon we will be able to verify configuration parameters before swinging service to a new system. ss7mon will also let us measure the health of the existing system before putting a new system into service. ss7mon uses the same hardware as ss7box and uses a simple passive tap cable and couplers to access the working SS7 circuit. A brief service interruption is required to install the circuit tap.